Встреча «TED discussions in English!»
Watch a short presentation from TED Talks conference, discuss it in English, have a short tea\ coffee break and after we watch anoter video and have another discussion.
Встреча «TED discussions in English!»
Подробнее о встрече «TED discussions in English!»
We watch a short presentation from TED Talks conference (10-15 minutes) and after that we discuss it in English (30-35 min). After that we have a short tea\ coffee break and we watch anoter presentation and have another discussion.
Level of English: above Intermediate.
Metro station Tulskaya, 3 minutes walk.
The address: Kholodilniy per. 3 bld 8 (Холодильный пер. д.3 стр.8) It's the opposite site of the Roll hall building.
My cell phone +7 925 417 80 30 Kate
The price for attending — 300 rub.
Registration required!!! — english4life.timepad.ru
If you decided not to come please cancel your registration.
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